node_modules no longer mangle to ~ in stats [breaking change]
timeout for HMR requests is configurable
added experimental Scope Hoisting (webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin)
some performance improvements
added output.libraryExport to select an export for the library
sourceMapFilename now supports [contenthash] [breaking change]
module.noParse supports functions
add node: false option to disable all node specific additions
bug 修复:
add workaround for breakpoints in eval source maps (chrome)
avoid creating redundant connections in chunk graph
enable chunk modules in stats by default
add special behavior when using CommonsChunkPlugin with only async option
error is shown when hot-only HMR fails
fixed a few issues with weird stats output [breaking change]
fixed a bug in occurrence order plugin [breaking change]
optimization plugins now only affect the current compilation [breaking change]
context now also include index files [breaking change]
require.resolve evaluate truthy [breaking change]
import order no longer adds to hash
Hashing for RawModule fixed
bundles CommonJs and AMD modules. (even combined)
can create a single bundle or multiple chunks loaded on demand, to reduce initial loading time.
dependencies are resolved during compilation reducing the runtime size
loaders can preprocess files while compiling, i. e. coffee-script to javascript
140.5M / 09-05
76.4M / 03-25
55M / 06-05
237.9M / 04-13
900.9M / 03-02
96.2M / 07-06
311.2M / 07-06
335M / 07-06
200M / 07-06
413.8M / 07-06
484.7M / 09-27
165.4M / 09-05
353.9M / 06-05
131.8M / 04-13
195.6M / 03-03
45.6M / 09-08
665.2M / 07-06
2.84G / 07-06
93M / 07-06
338.3M / 07-06
1.38G / 07-26
488.3M / 07-16
109.8M / 06-03
142M / 01-08
1.2M / 11-23
548.8M / 04-13
1.6M / 04-13
1.48G / 03-18
646.6M / 03-03
133.7M / 03-03
110.5M / 09-05
33.4M / 09-05
325.8M / 08-12
60M / 04-29
254M / 04-25
659M / 04-23
1M / 12-26
253.4M / 12-08
253M / 12-08
1.19G / 11-16
369M / 09-22
181.5M / 09-22
201.2M / 09-05
488.3M / 07-16
248.9M / 12-08
248.9M / 12-08
100.6M / 03-06
148.9M / 03-06
1.12G / 07-06
1.25G / 07-06
1.76G / 09-22
1.92G / 04-17
116.2M / 04-10
201.5M / 04-13
7.31G / 07-01
94.3M / 07-06
2.48G / 07-06
7.63G / 07-06
1M / 07-06
778.1M / 07-06
561.8M / 07-11
72M / 07-06
548.7M / 07-06
1.00G / 07-06
9.13G / 07-06
126.2M / 07-06
72M / 07-06
105.1M / 07-06
132M / 07-06
132M / 07-06