Webpack模块加载打包工具2.5.1免费版是一款模块加载、打包工具,它能把各种资源,例如 JS(含JSX)、coffee、样式(含less/sass)、图片等都作为模块来使用和处理。
Webpack 2.5.1 是一个 bug 修复版本:
Fix crash when error happens while watching
Fix hoisting of exports
bundles CommonJs and AMD modules. (even combined)
can create a single bundle or multiple chunks loaded on demand, to reduce initial loading time.
dependencies are resolved during compilation reducing the runtime size
loaders can preprocess files while compiling, i. e. coffee-script to javascript
140.5M / 09-05
76.4M / 03-25
55M / 06-05
237.9M / 04-13
900.9M / 03-02
96.2M / 07-06
311.2M / 07-06
335M / 07-06
200M / 07-06
413.8M / 07-06
484.7M / 09-27
165.4M / 09-05
353.9M / 06-05
131.8M / 04-13
195.6M / 03-03
45.6M / 09-08
665.2M / 07-06
2.84G / 07-06
93M / 07-06
338.3M / 07-06
1.38G / 07-26
488.3M / 07-16
109.8M / 06-03
142M / 01-08
1.2M / 11-23
548.8M / 04-13
1.6M / 04-13
1.48G / 03-18
646.6M / 03-03
133.7M / 03-03
110.5M / 09-05
33.4M / 09-05
325.8M / 08-12
60M / 04-29
254M / 04-25
659M / 04-23
1M / 12-26
253.4M / 12-08
253M / 12-08
1.19G / 11-16
369M / 09-22
181.5M / 09-22
201.2M / 09-05
488.3M / 07-16
248.9M / 12-08
248.9M / 12-08
100.6M / 03-06
148.9M / 03-06
1.12G / 07-06
1.25G / 07-06
1.76G / 09-22
1.92G / 04-17
116.2M / 04-10
201.5M / 04-13
7.31G / 07-01
94.3M / 07-06
2.48G / 07-06
7.63G / 07-06
1M / 07-06
778.1M / 07-06
561.8M / 07-11
72M / 07-06
548.7M / 07-06
1.00G / 07-06
9.13G / 07-06
126.2M / 07-06
72M / 07-06
105.1M / 07-06
132M / 07-06
132M / 07-06