Straight Outta Supertest: M3 Grant
Posted on October 27, 2014 by Silentstalker — 95 Comments ↓
First of the upcoming Firefly branch vehicles for 9.5 is the M3 Grant.
American medium tank M3 of the first series, built specifically for the export to Great Britain according to the customer’s needs. In British army, he recieved the General Grant (Grant I) designation. 1685 tanks of this type were built in total.
M3 ,美国的首批中坦,出口到英国,专门为了客户需求而制造的。在英国军队,它被命名为格兰特将军。这种型号的坦克总共建造了1685辆。
The statistics are for 100 percent crew.
车库等级:Tier 4 MT
车辆血值:Hitpoints: 320
车辆引擎:Engine: 410hp
车体重量:Weight: 29,975 tons
车推重比:Power-to-weight: 13,68 hp/t
前后极速:Maximum speed: 39/16 km/h
车体转速:Hull traverse: 42 deg/s
履带适应:Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/2,205
车体装甲:Hull armor: 50,8/38,1/?
炮——:Gun: 75mm M2
伤害:Damage: 110/110/75
穿深:Penetration: 90/102/38
射速:ROF: 17,381
精度:Accuracy: 0,451
瞄准:Aimtime: 1,73s
俯仰:Depression: -9/+20
射界:Traverse: 30 deg
炮——:Gun: 75mm M3
伤害:Damage: 110/110/75
穿深:Penetration: 92/109/38
射速:ROF: 20,857
精度:Accuracy: 0,393
瞄准:Aimtime: 2,01s
俯仰:Depression: -9/+20
射界:Traverse: 30 deg
炮——:Gun: 6pdr Mk.III
伤害:Damage: 75/75/100
穿深:Penetration: 105/170/30
射速:ROF: 26,071
精度:Accuracy: 0,403
瞄准:Aimtime: 2,21s
俯仰:Depression: -9/+20
射界:Traverse: 30 deg
视野:Viewrange: 325
通讯:Radiorange: ?