Posted on October 26, 2014 by Silentstalker — 49 Comments ↓
Hello everyone,
check out Listy’s articles on one of the best StuG aces and about personal soldier armor
- apparently, the feature where top three players of losing team get extra credits will not be implemented
- Chi-Ri had several variants of suspension, it’s possible that one of the heavier ones with 88mm will be added to the heavy Japanese tank branch (SS: SerB is mistaken here. The 88mm Chi-Ri is a fake, started by American engineers exploring the Japanese vehicle plans after the war)
Chi-Ri 有几个悬挂的变体,有可能带有88炮较重的那个会添加到重坦分支(SS:SerB是在这个地方搞错了,88炮的Chi-Ri坦克是一个虚构车辆,源于美国工程师在战后研究日本车辆计划时的东西)
- Chinese-used Chi-Ha did not have any special Chinese designation
- apparently, SerB is participating in alphatesting of WoWs, but he’s hiding
- when removing interface in battle (pressing V), FPS goes up a lot? “Most likely your card doesn’t do well with Scaleform – that’s a Flash-like engine, widely used for interface creation. Please note that we are not responsible for Scaleform-based mod optimization.”
在战斗中按V键,去掉界面时,帧数会一个显著的上升? 很大可能是你的显卡在处理Scaleform 方面做的不好——这是一个Flash-类似引擎的东西,广泛使用在界面的创建上。要注意的是,我们对于Scaleform-基于插件的优化并不负责。
- Storm realizes that STA-2 (upcoming Japanese premium) is worse than STA-1, but “unfortunately, we haven’t simply found any other candidate”
Storm 意识到了STA-2 (即将到来的日系金币车)要比STA-1差,但”遗憾的是,我们实在找不到其它候选的车辆“
- Evilly states that in 9.5 or 9.6, premium vehicle profitability will be further buffed (“indirectly”)
- it’s possible that the AFK punishment system will be changed to take game crashes into account
- Storm states that the difference between FV215b (183) and FV4005 Stage 2 will be: “One will be armored and slow, the other unrarmored and relatively fast.”
Storm表示 FV215b (183) 和FV4005 Stage 2 不同之处是:一个有装甲且机动差,另一个没装甲但相对快些
- Storm himself is bothered by the modellers always saying “sorry, we don’t have any new HD models for this patch”, but he can’t do anything about it
- there will be third test of 9.4
- Storm states that the situation where on GTX550Ti enabling shadows causes you to lose 20 FPS is normal