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Remote Desktop Manager中文免费版 v13.0.0.0

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Remote Desktop Manager中文免费版下载
好玩 好玩 0
坑爹 坑爹 0
  • 应用语言:中文
  • 应用大小:161M
  • 更新时间:2017-11-03 09:54
  • 发行时间:
  • 应用类型:普通
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Remote Desktop Manager中文免费版是一款非常实用的远程桌面连接工具,支持多种终端服务,支持多显示器,非常的强大,需要的用户赶快来下载吧。


Remote Desktop Manager 中文版能保存编辑删除你的远程桌面连接,带登陆的终端功能。支持 VPN 连接,双显示器,等等。该软件兼容兼容 Microsoft Remote Desktop,终端服务,VNC,LogMeIn,Team Viewer,FTP,SSH,Telnet,Dameware,X Window,VMware,Virtual PC,PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, Radmin, Microsoft Remote Assistance, Oracle Virtual Box 等等。


Remote Desktop Manager 远程连接
连接任何会话类型,如:RDP,SSH,网页,VNC,远程登录,ICA / HDX,网络,的TeamViewer,LogMeIn的和多

Remote Desktop Manager 密码管理

Remote Desktop Manager 文件及资料

Remote Desktop Manager 团队解决方案

Remote Desktop Manager 安全

Remote Desktop Manager 管理工具

Remote Desktop Manager 用户界面与组织

Remote Desktop Manager 其它特点


Added a Checkout/checkin system

Added a Move permission

Added an option to exclude an entry from the offline

Added Application Send Key connection type

Added domain to Inventory report

Added Google Drive connection type

Added TFTP connection type

Added the documentation feature

Added the multi monitor support for the tabbed view

Added time based usage settings

Added True Key integration (credential entry)

Improved the password strength validation with Zxcvbn

Added ” – Disconnected” label when an entry keeps its tab opened and is disconnected

Added “All Entries” tab in Permissions and Security Group reports

Added “Copy all text”, “clear scrollback” and “clear terminal” buttons in native seril

Added “Equivalent URLs” in Login (Web) and Login (Account) data entry types

Added “Go Offline” button in DVLS

Added “Use template host” in host entry type

Added a create database setting dialog

Added a data source setting to allow the local templates

Added a Lock when editing an entry

Added a permission to View the Entry History

Added a root setting to hide the note in Information

Added a Shared Security Provider v2 with save in registry support

Added an option Allow Special open actions in Dashboard to enable the Open (Prompt for host), Open Fullscreen,

Added an option for quick connect to show/hide the “select host” button

Added an option to change the column names of the Custom Field 1-2-3

Added an option to remove the close button in the tab page

Added an UI clue when prompting for offline credentials

Added Checkout setting to batch edit

Added Chrome browser support for the Spiceworks connection

Added confirmation before executing macro

Added Create repository with restricted access default setting

Added custom port in advanced settings (synchronizers and sessions) with variable support

Added database logs for the DVLS update

Added datasource setting “Allow virtual folders”

Added datasource settings option to select a default password template

Added filters to Users/Locked Users/Roles/Groups/Repositories

Added FreeRDP NLA auto retry

Added Html editor document (markdown)

Added Invoke-RDMCreateDataSourceDatabase cmdlet to create database with a SQL Server/SQL Azure data source with the PowerShell module

Added Invoke-RDMUpdateDataSourceDatabase cmdlet to upgrade database with a SQL Server/SQL Azure data source with the PowerShell module

Added Jump in User/Local specific settings

Added log for password history clearing

Added log to file for WebDAV, SCP, FTP, SFTP, TFTP

Added logs to Secret Server to pinpoint performance issues a little better

Added Master Key and logging to WebDAV datasource

Added Password Analyzer for private vault entries

Added Secret Server support for Private Key mode

Added special warning when deleting credentials that are referenced by other entries that won’t be deleted at the same time

Added support for special characters in devolutions terminal

Added tag list in the dashboard

Added Template and Password template permissions

Added the Generate button for the password text field

Added the View Password default action for the credentials

Added the View Password History from the password fields

Added undocked toolbar in the tab page to dock, close or focus the content

Adding possibility for custom provider url in Amazon S3 entry and data source

Allow multiselect in the “Local Session” gridview of the “Opened Sessions” tab in the navigation pane

Allow the multi-selection of attachments for batch delete

Bug fixes

Changed the filter Type menu for Navigation Options

Changed the minimum diffie hellman key size for rebex (set it to smallest size)

Changed the password analyzer to be embedded (non modal)

Changed the tabbed view container to allow minimize and maximized

Changed the template and password template to be non modal

Deprecated by default the RTF everywhere (use mark down instead)

Improved the Alternate Host with an option for a custom host

Improved the FTP compatibility

Improved the inventory report for software detection

Improved the reconnect for the SSH Shell

Keepass added new “Allow custom credentials” option in File > Options

Minor UI improvements

Password manager Pro now handles URL and port much better

Removed the data entry multi types support

Update the batch edit with sub connection support

Updated the Hyper V Synchronizer to take care of the template

Updated the screenconnect extension

Bug fixes

Fixed “before connect” event when working with jump making it only execute the script on the jump session instead of both the local and jump machines

Fixed a display issue with Azure Explorer

Fixed a freeze issue with FTP/SFTP/TFTP/SCP/WebDAV when closing tab with ongoing transfers

Fixed a possible crash with the third party DevExpress

Fixed a View File in Amazon S3

Fixed a WebDAV datasource delete issue

Fixed an issue with the AD sync template port

Fixed an issue with the Invoke-RDMParentSession cmdlet that prevented adding multiple subconnections to a parent session

Fixed an issue with the log expiration date sorting

Fixed an issue with the password complexity validation

Fixed an issue with the search result sort order

Fixed an issue with the Select KeePass entry

Fixed an issue with the sort of the password strength in password analyser

Fixed ARD with iMac 5K

Fixed Copy Username and Copy password for Chrome Remote Desktop.

Fixed multi select not working for “View” in our embedded file explorers

Fixed multiple date issues with SCP and FTP

Fixed multiple potential memory leaks

Fixed possible issue with PasswordSafe

Fixed some possible issues where offline edit/delete/add changes may be lost when going back online

Fixed some possible slowness issue with duplicate code with Secret Server

Fixed the sort in the trayicon

Fixed VPN/SSH/Gateway private vault gateways not being displayed when in private vault


Remote Desktop Manager中文免费版 v13.0.0.0



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