Pointofix 1.8.0电子教鞭中文绿色版是一款实用的桌面小工具,可以在屏幕上自由作图,用作演示文稿,教育教学等领域,需要的用户赶快来下载吧。
Pointofix 1.8.0 绿色中文版是个很有趣的免费小程序,它可以让我们直接在屏幕上画圈圈、线头、标箭头或打字,方便把整个电脑屏幕当做是个电子白板(或黑板),直接用各种线条、圈圈或箭头、勾勾…等符号,在屏幕的窗口、图案、各种图表中乱涂鸦或做各种标示,拿来当做上课、演讲或做简报时使用,也相当方便!!
软件pointofix启动后,会在桌面右上方出现一个小小的图标 ,按下“开始”出现工具列,就可以在屏幕上自由涂鸦了。
* 高亮屏幕:手绘笔
* 直线,箭头和双箭头(按住Shift键,锁定以45°递增可选)
* 长方形,正方形(Shift键),椭圆形和圆形(Shift键),各种轮廓或填充
* 所有绘图功能的不同深度的透明和不透明色
* 文字输入标签盒
* 复选标记和十字架
* 删除部分标记橡皮擦并恢复原来屏幕内容,或删除所有标记
* 200%和400%放大倍率的放大镜
* 用鼠标滚轮将整个屏幕逐渐放大到高达10倍的放大倍率
* 取消最后的动作特点
* 以不同尺寸打印当前屏幕内容
* 复制到剪贴板
* 用像素精确可调位置指示器打印,保存和剪贴相关的图像区域
Multi-line text input: Insert line break using Ctrl + Enter. Enter text as before with Enter, cancel with ESC. Edit possible as in an editor and move with the mouse possible, as long as the text block has not yet been adopted.
Definition of up to ten opaque additional colors possible. These can be defined in the settings and are available in addition to the standard colors for all character functions.
(Ctrl + U, F7, F8), opening the screenshot folder (Ctrl + O) and opening the e-mail program (Ctrl + E).
Insert image from clipboard (menu with leaf icon or Ctrl + V). The image is positioned in the upper left corner, the remaining screen area is gray; Images larger than the screen resolution are cut off. The function is suitable e.g. For editing screen shots created with the print or print screen button (e.g., open menus).
Fixed problem when using multiple monitors that might appear when the secondary screen was located to the left and the main screen to the right.
76.4M / 03-25
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