-Folding control turns solid when section is collapsed
-Background coloring for first line of folded code
-Configure colors for the above in theme
• Dramatic performance improvements for Find
-Blazingly fast, grep-like speed when writing of thousands of search results to the Output Window and Find String List
-Greatly improved performance and memory management for huge Find in Files results (700,000+ matches)
-Quicker and more responsive cancelling of Find / Replace in Files
-Greatly improved performance with many strings highlighted via “Highlight all” or Quick Find
-Addressed issues with mixed line terminators in Find String List causing erroneous line numbers
• Dramatic performance improvements for hidden lines
-Much faster “Delete all hidden lines”, especially with many lines hidden
-Much smoother scrolling with large sections of hidden code / text
• Tab delimited sort
Sort file based on tab-separated value fields instead of column numbers
-Optionally specify start and end characters for each field
• Syntax highlighting improvements
-Syntax highlighting preserved for partially selected keywords
-Function list no longer shows functions in block comments
Unmatched string character in regexp class no longer causes unwanted string highlighting
Addressed issue with incorrect syntax highlighting after wrapping lines
• Display improvements
-Title bar no longer uses black color for text with darker title bar background
-Improved display and spacing of line number margin (decreased width when line numbers disabled)
-Restored vertical scroll bar in vertically oriented multi-line file tabs
• Status bar “Bytes selected” now reports “Chars selected” instead (mainly for UTF-8 files)
• SSH/Telnet and FTP now prompt for user name when not set
• Reverted accelerator keys for File Change Detection dialog buttons
• Addressed XML / HTML tag highlighting issues with Asian characters
• Addressed several column mode issues when editing multi-byte (Asian) characters
• Addressed issues with file/folder paths containing Unicode characters in .prj files
• Addressed file change detection prompt with time zone change or daylight savings change
• Addressed word wrap issues with non-Latin characters
• Addressed issues with UltraEdit (legacy) and Unix style regular expressions
• Addressed issue with hex insert in files greater than 4 GB
用做普通文本文件编辑器(.txt .bat .conf .ini等)
用做.bat文件编辑器 (bat,是指批量处理文件)
用做c, c++, java, jsp, html, xml等的源代码编辑器
(以上文件可以是本地的,也可以是通过FTP方式操作远程的文件) 对文本文件进行按行排序,排序的方式是可以定义的。
1.可配置语法加亮,支持代码折叠、Unicode;在32 位 Windows 平台上进行 64 位文件处理。
2.基于磁盘的文本编辑和支持超过 4GB 的大文件处理,即使是数兆字节的文件也只占用极少的内存;
4.带有 100,000 个单词的拼写检查器,对 C/C++、VB、HTML、Java 和 Perl 进行了预配置;
5.内置 FTP 客户端,支持登录和保存多个账户,支持SSH/Telnet 窗口;
6.提供预定义的或用户创建的编辑“环境”,能记住 UltraEdit 的所有可停靠窗口、工具栏等的状态;
8.十六进制编辑器可以编辑任何二进制文件,并显示二进制和 ASCII 视图;
9.HTML 工具栏,对常用的 HTML 功能作了预配置;文件加密/解密;多字节和集成的 IME。
* 修正了 UE 和 UC 官方中文版汉化不完整, 而且有很多错漏的问题!
* 修正了原版转换非 DOS 格式文件确认对话框的标题乱码问题 [20100531]
* 修正了在 64 位 Win7 下,安装后没有自动关联右键菜单的问题 [20110724]
* 安装完就是离线激活版! 感谢 不醒的梦 的补丁
* unrar.dll 由 3.70 升级为 5.10 [20140629]
– UEHelper 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 for UltraEdit 17.x, 感谢 Silence 更新 [20110314]
+ UltraCompare Lite 8.00 -> Pro [20130924]
+ Delphi 语法着色文件
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