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  • HelpNDoc帮助文件制作工具5.1.0.217绿色便携版截图0
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好玩 好玩 0
坑爹 坑爹 0
  • 应用语言:中文
  • 应用大小:17M
  • 更新时间:2017-04-28 10:36
  • 发行时间:
  • 应用类型:普通
  • 应用标签: HelpNDoc

HelpNDoc帮助文件制作工具5.1.0.217绿色便携版是款方便实用的帮助文件电子书制作工具,对个人完全免费,使用Ribbon风格界面,可以轻松制作帮助文件或电子书,并发布为 CHM、Web、PDF、Word、EPUB、Kindle Ebook 等格式。


HelpNDoc 有一套比较灵活的模板系统,可以在预置的目录模板中任意添加一级、二级目录,并分别编辑各个目录下的内容,实现了完全的所见即所得。同时编辑功能也比较强大,可插入各类资源,包括图片、视频、文档、HTML 源代码、表格、特殊字符、判断条件等等。

HelpNDoc 可输出标准的 CHM 帮助文件,但需要系统安装 HTML Help Workshop,要输出 EPUB 电子书,则需要安装 Kindle Gen。


已经做成绿色便携版,下载解压后直接运行 HelpNDocPortable.exe 即可,2017/4/26 更新版本为 HelpNDoc。

HelpNDoc 支持中文字符,不会出现乱码,偶尔制作个电子书还是挺方便的。也可以试用下本站之前介绍的帮助文件制作软件 WinCHM 和 Help & Manual Pro。

HelpNDoc Portable 更新日志

Project settings (title, default topic, author, date/time format...) can now be overridden for each build

HTTP Web Server can now be launched at any location from the Tools ribbon tab

It is now possible to specify the default listening port of the HTTP Web Server instead of the default 8080

Pasting topics with hyperlinks to children topics now correctly restore those hyperlinks

Hyperlinks to files were not always working properly using the default HTML template

Hyperlinks to _blank URLs didn't always work property in the default HTML template

Custom and hidden headers / footers were not correctly exported in default HTML template

Hiding the navigation arrows in the default HTML template could produce incorrect HTML code

Default HTML template will not try to request debug map files anymore

Anchors with space didn't work correctly in responsive HTML template

Numbering as text didn't work in CHM / HTML templates anymore

HTTP Web Server's error pages are more useful: 404 error pages will list available HTML files

HTML library items with Unicode content could be corrupted when exported to HTML based documentation formats

Empty topics were not listed in Word / PDF table of contents anymore

Topic visibility wasn't updated in table of contents' popup

RSS feed display didn't include new version notification anymore

Project settings better scales for smaller window sizes

Script editor now always stays on top of HelpNDoc's main window

Using the "Vacuum project" command will prompt before starting and confirm after successful completion

Resetting the project's date/time format will ask confirmation first

Fixed some memory leaks

Easy to use yet powerful help authoring environment which can generate various documentation formats from a single source. HelpNDoc provides all the tools necessary to write complete help files, manuals, documentations and eBooks in a user friendly and very easy to use environment.






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