我的世界 v1.12遗言MOD是一款十分有趣的MOD,可以让玩家在死后暴露击杀者的MOD,需要的小伙伴赶紧来下载吧~
我的世界 v1.12遗言MOD,由“andrenoel1”制作,死亡报价,这个翻译真的很霸气。你可以在临死前说一些话,譬如凶手是谁,又比如像COD里面一样来一段名人名言,本站提供我的世界遗言MOD,需要的玩家不要错过哦!
When a player dies the game announces to all players that you died and from what condition such as "swimming in lava". This mod adds a funny amusing quote just above that message.
It's fun to tease your friends about their Death Quote when they die in multiplayer!
默认的引号集包含超过619个引号!您可以添加到引用文件或完全更改它。如果您没有在/ config / death引号中的引用文件。txt将为您创建默认的txt。请将你的报价文件张贴到其他人使用。:)
The default set of quotes contains over 619 of them! You may add to the quotes file or change it completly. If you don't have a quotes file in the /config/deathquotes.txt it will create the default one for you. Please do post your quotes files for others to use. :)
依次打开“.minecraft-config”找到deathquotes.txt文件 这就是了
684KB / 03-08
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