Charon 渡神
-- 很好的贸易空间站–South Western corner in a blinking asteroid I found a Hrimthurs (rank 4missleboat). I'm not sure if it's the only stash, just the only one I couldfind, not that great but it's money. Of note is the Styx Station which sellsthe awesome "Templar" ships Raptor T, Trident T, and Gunslinger T. Italso the one non-smuggler place I've found that sells top tier equipment fornormal store prices early in the game (pre FTU)
XB-19―― 地点: Ruined Station西南横日处;
―― 数量: 1箱,假目标会吸引敌人前来增援?
―― 价值: 母舰主炮,若干辅助装备;G5和G4战机,高级轻型火炮,其它设备;
―― 环境:15个3-6机中队,G4战机;沿途有3级海盗战机;
-Either near the junkyard or destroyed station. It's a blinking asteroid but maybe very hard to see in the clouds. Also there are LOADS of pirates here so Iwouldn't try to get it unless you are pretty strong. Last, be wary as one ortwo of the "fake" stashteroids will summon a pirate fleet for you tofight off. I got a couple of gunslingers and some nice top tier systems. On aside note this is a great place to gain some extra experience and money sincepirates just keep spawning here.
―― 地点: x203星门向西500km,基本与星门等高;
―― 数量: 1箱
―― 价值: G4战机,若干火炮和辅助装备;
―― 环境:绝对安全,剧情的大批Berserker;沿途有少量海盗
- 5 and a half spaces west of thex203 gate is an asteroid.
I looted a wyvern mk2 Asmodeus x 2, m-82dago and m150 tetabo x 2 post precursor mission.
Tarrot - asteroid in the SW quadrant. Lotsof pirates. It had some decent stuff. I don't think you can get this unless yougo the Ino co route which is bugged for me.
Precursor system
―― 地点: 第一路点的文物装船以后,继续向东500km,就在超大的太空站废墟正中央(Starhammer memorial);
―― 数量: 1箱
―― 价值: 外星战斗机;外星武器;
―― 环境:攻击Starhammer memorial会召来大批外星战斗机,直至Starhammer memorial被打爆;