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英文的 可以参考一下Prologue: Geonosian Arena Minikits

Minikit 1: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy the 5 merchant carts along the bottom of the arena and it will automatically appear on the last 1 destroyed.

Minikit 2: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to stack the purple lego plates on top of one another and then use Jar Jar to jump and reach it in the sky.

Minikit 3: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You will need a small character such as Yoda or Wag Too to access the hatch at the top middle of the arena that leads you directly to the minikit on the balcony.

Minikit 4: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You will need find the 5 flower boxes around the arena and then use a Jedi character to Force slam. Then use a Sith character to stuff the new grown plant into the nearby pot by using Dark Force.

Minikit 5: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You will need to use a Sith character such as Count Dooku to Dark Force Manipulate the pillar to the left from where you start. Then use a grapple character to yank out the two hook points that are revealed afterwards. This will then collapse the pillar and reveal the minikit.

Minikit 6: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You will need to destroy 5 golden objects that are around the arena’s walls using a rapid fire character such as Lt. Thire.

Minikit 7: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You will need to use a bounty hunter to access the small exercise room on the left side of the arena. Then run on each of the 3 threadmills and keep running until they explode. The minikit will pop up on the final treadmill.

Minikit 8: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. Head to the right side of the wall and use the Force to rebuild a droid in pieces. You will then get the minikit after building it.

Minikit 9: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You will need to find and herd up 5 Droidekas that are rolling around the arena into the electric fence to get the minikit.

Minikit 10: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You will need a character with a sniper rifle such as Aurra Sing. Then shoot all the ducks in the air until they are all gone and the minikit appears.

Count Dooku[url=]Chapter 1: Battle of Geonosis Minikits

Minikit 1: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You will find it at the far left side of the area underneath a large rock.

Minikit 2: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy 3 Hailfire Droids and it will then appear on the 3rd one you destroy. Make sure you get this before you destroy vehicle generator or they will no longer spawn.

Minikit 3: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy 5 totem rocks, which look like trees, that are spread all around the area.

Minikit 4: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy 10 rocks covered in pink crystals spread around the area. There is one that you will need a small character in order to get in the hills at the top left area. This is the last one shown in the video.

Minikit 5: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to enter the north crawl space and then side down the slope while hitting every button.

Minikit 6: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to shatter the Dark Force rock near the crawl space from Minikit #5.

Minikit 7: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to build and activate the Astromech Droid Control Panel near the Dark Force rock from Minikit #6 then collect all the blue studs that appear.

Minikit 8: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the Bounty Hunter Panel near the start of the mission and then defeat 50 Droids within 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Minikit 9: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to charge up the power panel near the Protocol Droid Control Panel to reveal the minikit. You can use a character such as the MagnaGuard to do this.

Minikit 10: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the Protocol Droid Control Panel at the bottom right of the area then race across the pads that appear on the map. You will need C-3PO for this Control Panel.

Chapter 2: Gungan General Minikits

Minikit 1: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You will find it slightly to the right of where you spawn near some rocks and the cliff in the open.

Minikit 2: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy 10 totem rocks, which look like trees that are spread all around the area.

Minikit 3: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You will need to destroy 5 speeders and after destroying the 5th one, it will appear. These speeders will constantly spawn around the area.

Minikit 4: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the enemy Droid Control Panel to the left of where you start the mission. You can use MagnaGuard or another enemy droid to activate it.

Minikit 5: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to shatter the Dark Force rock that is north of the enemy Droid Control Panel.

Minikit 6: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the Bounty Hunter Control Panel at the top left corner of the area and then it will appear right near it.

Minikit 7: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use the Dark Force to block the north geysers. You will need to place them fast or else the rocks placed on the geysers will get knocked off. It will appear in front of the large geyser.

Minikit 8: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to build and activate the Astromech Droid Control Panel at the right side of the area then collect the stud’s that appear in a row towards the cliff.

Minikit 9: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the power panel at the top right corner of the area, then race across the checkpoint pads that appear on the map. You can use the alien space ship from building Minikit #8 right nearby.

Minikit 10: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the Ray Shield that protects the foreground torpedo generator and then destroy the torpedo generator. You can use a character with rapid fire such as Lieutenant Thire to destroy the gold torpedo generator.

Chapter 3: Jedi Crash Minikits

Minikit 1: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to fly around the area and find the 5 probes highlighted with green arrows then destroy them. You can destroy the ships highlighted with green arrows for another minikit as well.

Minikit 2: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to fly around the area and find the 5 ships highlighted with green arrows then destroy them. You can destroy the probes highlighted with green arrows for another minikit as well.

Minikit 3: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the two sets of 3 gold circles located to the left and right of the blue-lit hangar of the battleship to the left as you start the mission.

Minikit 4: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the glowing red object at the back of the left battleship from the start of the mission with an enemy spacecraft such as the Soulless One.

Minikit 5: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the secret landing pad’s 3 gold toilet stalls. To get to the secret landing pad, fly towards the enemy ships in the background for a cutscene that destroys top of the battleship.

Minikit 6: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the gold gate covering the crawl space near the water spout located to the front of the battleship. Then use a small character to go through the crawl space to find it towards the left in front of the glass window.

Minikit 7: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to land on the landing pad nearest to the back of the battleship. Then climb up to the next level and pull the switch at the back and then destroy the 2 silver pipe sections near the ceiling to put out the fire and grab the minikit.

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