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4 页 《乐高星球大战3:克隆战争》全流程英文攻略

Chapter 2: Ambush! Minikits

Minikit 1: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to knock off the shuttle’s 4 thrusters and then pull the hook point at the start of the mission.

Minikit 2: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use the cylindrical plants to reach a high ledge then hover to the right after the first area when the wall is destroyed. Then knock a box off the right ledge and build the pieces into a big crab. Finally ride this crab and smack its five babies around this area.

Minikit 3: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use the Dark Force to build a platform near the end of the path in the first area that is to the left of the gold object to destroy. Then enter the high cave and play the crab’s song on the mushrooms. The order it plays in is yellow, red then green.

Minikit 4: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the gold coral to the left of the 1st tank to enter a cave. Then use the Force to light up the cave’s rocks allowing you to pass-through and finally use Jar Jar to get the minikit high above where the crab brought it to.

Minikit 5: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to hover from the valley’s entry ledge and activate the Astromech Droid Control Panel. Then inside the cave grapple both the squid’s hook points for the minikit to be revealed.

Minikit 6: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy the 5 hermit crabs that hide under the gray rocks around the mission.

Minikit 7: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use the Force to move the pink coral to the right of the 2nd tank and enter the cave.

Then destroy the gold coral to the right to get 1 of the 3 purple objects that you need to place onto the background wall. Use a rocket character to get rid of the silver coral at the middle back of the wall. Then finally use the Force on the 2 purple hatches on the left wall and quickly jump onto them and knock down the purple object at the high ledge above and place it.

Once you have all 3 objects placed on the background wall, an ark rises from the middle of the room. Then grab the hook point in front of the ark to reveal the minikit inside it.

Minikit 8: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the 5 worms that hide beneath purple plants around the mission. These will all be found in 3 of the 4 caves.

Minikit 9: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the power panel to the right of the 2nd tank and build a platform from the pieces. Then place 1 character on the platform and use the other character to Force-lift the platform up. Then switch characters again to grab the minikit on the ledge.

Minikit 10: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy the 3 purple plants to the right of the 3rd tank then build the pieces to form a friendly crab. It will then grab a minikit for you from the hole nearby then it jumps into it.

Chapter 3: Blue Shadow Virus Minikits

Minikit 1: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy the 5 security cameras in the swamp at the start of the mission.

Minikit 2: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy the gold idol in the swap. Then build the pieces into a tractor and mow the grass.

Minikit 3: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to Force-lift the 5 carrots up from the ground in the swamp at the start of the mission and destroy them.

Minikit 4: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use the Dark Force to lift 6 objects from the swamp water at the start of the mission and destroy them.

Minikit 5: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the LAAT’s Astromech Droid Control Panel that extends catching device below the ship. It will end up grabbing the minikit.

Minikit 6: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the 2 enemy Droid Control Panels inside the base twice to make the minikit pictures appear on both monitors. The 1st time Jabba the Hut pictures will appear and the 2nd time pictures of a minikit will appear that end up destroying the center monitor to reveal it.

Minikit 7: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to use the Force to close the 4 gates inside the enemy base. Then use it again to lock their purple clamps in place.

Minikit 8: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the protocol Droid Control Panel beyond the last set of Droidekas. Then enter the bar and use the Force to place the canister back on the wall. Then move the MagnaGuard’s glass underneath the canister to fill it up then move it back to him. The MagnaGuard will then run to the bathroom and throw out the minikit for you to grab.

Minikit 9: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use the crawl space hatch while battling the LEP Droid then saber-jump up the checkered walls.

Minikit 10: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to defeat the LEP Droid then confront Dr. Vindi on the landing pad. Then with both of your characters pull both hook points on his ship to reveal a minikit.

Chapter 4: Storm Over Ryloth Minikits

Minikit 1: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the 10 gold objects on the front of the Republic Battleship with a rapid-fire ship.

Minikit 2: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the 5 enemy ships that are highlighted in green.

Minikit 3: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use an enemy ship such as the Soulless One to destroy the red glowing object to the right of the Republic Battleship’s bridge.

Minikit 4: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the silver crate inside the 1st turbo laser bay. Then build and activate the Astromech Droid Control Panel then head back into space to grab the minikit.

Minikit 5: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. You need to destroy 10 enemy fighters while you are using the turbo laser turret.

Minikit 6: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to activate the power panel on the left landing pad. Then take control of a Vulture Droid and walk it across the 4 orange pads.

Minikit 7: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to destroy the gold door on the bridge.

Minikit 8: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to grapple the hook point on the bridge. Then use the Force to build a pad and step on it.

Minikit 9: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use Jar Jar to jump up and grab the minikit that hovers near the ramp to the bridge.

Minikit 10: This minikit can be obtained in Free Play mode. You need to use the crawl space near the torpedo generator that is on the landing pad near the front of the ship.

  • 克隆战争
  • 星球大战




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