

2011/4/27 9:23:26 来源:本站整理 编辑:admin

您的位置:首页攻略秘籍 → 《辐射:新维加斯》死钱代码



The Faderator: xx000800 (我喜好这个)
Knife SpEAr: xx000fbe (那个长矛)
Bear Trap Fist: xx00119d (捕兽夹拳套)
Throwing Knife Spear: xx00119e (投掷矛)
Holorifle: xx0092ef (这个怎么翻?全息步枪?)
Automatic Rifle: xx00a7a9 (自动步枪,用.308子弹的那个)
Police Pistol: xx00bbc2 (警用手枪)
Cosmic Knife: xx00bd09
Gas Bomb: xx00c45d (手雷)
Cosmic Knife Super-Heated: xx010589
Demolition Charge: xx01140b (地雷)
Knife Spear Clean: xx012208
Cosmic Knife Clean: xx012209

Auto. Rifle Upgr. Internals: xx012804
Holorifle Reinf. Components: xx012805
Bear Trap Fist HD Springs:xx012806
Holorifle Focus Optics: xx013b1a
Holorifle Adv. Calibration: xx013b20

hologramoutfit: xx00307b (穿上后便是外形成为全系图像)
Father Elijah's Robes: xx00581a
Vera's Outfit: xx006ed6
Assassin Suit: xx00e1b7
Sierra Madre Armor: xx00e3f0
Sierra Madre Helmet: xx00e3F1
Dean's Tuxedo: xx00ef16

Dead Money Jumpsuit: xx00f3a4
Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced: xx0109f2
Sierra Madre Helmet, Reinforced: xx0109f3

Gold Bar: xx013f71 (金条)
Sierra Madre Chip: xx011236 (筹码)
Jar of Cloud ResIDue: xx011de0
Sierra Madre Martini: xx012c8b

Light Touch: xx00e87b
Heavy armor just isn't your thing, so you've learned to customize light armor for maximum benefit. While wearing light armor you gain a +5% Critical Hit Chance and your enemies suffer a -25% Critical Hit Chance.

In Shining Armor: xx00f216
Beams reflect off the mirror-like finish of your gleaming armor! You gain an additional +5 Damage Threshold against energy weapons while wearing any metal armor, +2 while wearing reflective eyewear.

And Stay Back: xx00f218
You've discovered a Shotgun technique that has a chance to knock an enemy back.

Old World Gourmet: xx00f96f
Thanks to unclean living you've learned the secrets of the lounge lizards! 
+25% Addiction Resistance. +50% Health bonus from Snack Foods. Scotch, Vodka and Wine now give you Health in addition to their normal effects.

Junk RouNDS: xx00fb6a
Survival is the mother of invention! Craft ammo at the Reloading Bench using alternate materials (Scrap Metal and Tin Cans).

Heavyweight: xx011468
Have you been working out? Weapons heavier than 10 lbs. now weigh half as much for you. (Modified weapons that drop below 10 lbs. will not gain this benefit.)

Hobbler: xx011469
With the Hobbler perk, your chance to hit an opponent's legs in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.

  • 辐射

《辐射》(英文:Fallout;港台:《异尘余生》)是Interplay公司开发的一系列经典电脑角色扮演游戏游戏。虽然游戏时间设定为22世纪,但故事背景和艺术风格深受20世纪50年代核恐慌的影响。首作发布于1997年。游戏系列含有2片角色扮演游戏版本《辐射》与《辐射2》,一款策略游戏《辐射战略版:钢铁兄弟会》,一款游戏机的动作冒险游戏《辐射:钢铁兄弟会》。Bethesda购买了所有制作《辐射》系列游戏的权利。而目前《辐射3》与《辐射 新维加斯》也已由Bethesda Softworks开发完成。Interplay在2年内还拥有制作《辐射》大型多人在线游戏的权利。2001年,PC Gamer杂志排名《辐射》和《辐射2》所有计算机游戏里的第四。

  • 辐射中文版

    01-10 / 474M

  • 辐射2中文版

    06-29 / 549M

  • 辐射3:年度游戏版(Fallout 3: Gam

    06-29 / 33KB

  • 辐射4中文版

    06-24 / 29.30G



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