近期AMC公司透露,由电视剧改编的FPS游戏《行尸走肉 生存本能》将于3月26日在北美发售,3月29日在欧洲发售。该作将登入全游戏平台,其中包括PS3,XBOX360和PC,就连任天堂的WiiU也有份。本作的剧情将与电视剧版的世界观一致,不再是先前的报道中的平行世界故事,玩家将体验到Daryl ,Merle Dixon, Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker 四人的前传故事。
AMC has revealed that The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct will be released on March 26th in North America and March 29th in Europe. Previously only confirmed for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, AMC also revealed in a blog post on its official site that Survival Instinct will be headed to Wii U as well.
Unlike Telltale’s episodic The Walking Dead: The Game (which was set in the world of The Walking Dead comics), Survival Instinct is a prequel to the AMC TV show and follows the story of brothers Daryl and Merle Dixon. Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker, who play the characters on the show, will reprise their roles in Survival Instinct.