根据外媒报道,Gamestop 几天前在德克萨斯州进行了经理会议。其中一个来自于大会中的意味深长的传闻是Wii U的发售日期,会上任天堂新主机WiiU的正式发售日被曝光,其将于11月18日发售上市。值得一提的上古任天堂将会在9月13日确认Wii U的首发信息,还请玩家继续关注本站的后续报道。
The GameStop managers’ conference has been taking place in Texas over the past few days. One of the more significant rumors coming from the event concerns the Wii U’s release date.
A PDP representative apparently hinted at a November 18 launch for Wii U. While talking about the company’s lineup, this person said that the Wii U peripherals would be available just ahead of the console’s November 18 release date.
A source told Kotaku:
“They changed the subject real quickly once they realized what they said.”
November 18 is one of many dates that have been thrown around thus far. Nintendo will confirm the Wii U’s launch information on September