
官方讲解PES2012 补丁1.03版附中文解说

2011/12/6 9:28:38 来源:飞翔整理 编辑:飞翔小编

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Hello PES community, just a quick email/post to inform you about the upcoming update that we are planning to apply for PES 2012 on PlayStation3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC versions.

As a result of continuous feedback from our users we’ve once again worked on certain improvements to the performance of goalkeepers, this time stopping balls from long-distance shots.

We’ve also added the option to search for opponents based on their pass support settings, which will replace Friendly Match or Player Match (depending on version) in Quick Match mode. The Speed Star skill card will also be adjusted to improve realism.

We have also been able to identify some minor issues which occur on very specific occasions. Our commitment is to continue to deliver the best football experience to all our fans, so the next patch will also fix the following:

* Issues with one or more players given a red card in a match, but 11 players available after loading formation

* In the myPES application, we have corrected the situation where a draw result is given after win/lose on the penalties。

* Occasionally meaningless numbers were appearing when accessing the Community menu from the Community Card list。

* Formation data in the Formation settings on the Game Plan screen can only be saved from the P1 controller。

* Game data can be saved/loaded for both sides if you exit the Data Management menu while your opponent is saving/loading the game data and then enter the Data Management menu again on the Game Plan screen。

* Also, some situations where the game was hanging out or freezing have been solved. Included those on the Online, Become a Legend and Edition modes, and while selecting some Game Plan combinations.

We’ll be busy soon again with the Winter Transfer Window updates and I am sure we’ll be in touch again to talk about that. Anyways, hope you enjoy the Holidays and have a great 2012!



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