

2011/1/9 11:49:48 来源:本站整理 编辑:未知

您的位置:首页游戏新闻资讯游戏新闻 → 《战争黎明2:报应》预购开始

【飞翔导读】战锤40000:战争黎明®II-报应™现在正式开始预购了~ 现在有6种独立的战斗包可供你选择~ 他们分别是:星际战士,欧克,灵族,泰伦虫族,混沌和IG!!!!(霍,还有IG呢.....) 每种战斗包将解锁独一无二的个人战斗内容,每个包售价:29.99美金

在CE中搜索后,回到游戏中加点以增加该值,然后再重复第一步(Step 01),直到CE中剩余的效果数量为<=2时,将两个(或一个)效果都添加到地址列表中,把数值都改成雷同


收藏版(美国从THQ.COM购买 英国从零售商购买)
* Retribution game 报应游戏
* Collector's Edition box 收藏版包装
* Six art cards 6张艺术卡片
* Poster 明信片
* In-game content card containing all race pack content (see race packs for details) 全部种族包内容

* Dawn of War II GOTY EditionDOWII年度游戏版
* Dawn of War II Chaos Rising 混沌崛起
* Dawn of War II Retribution 报应
* Collector's box 收藏版包装

Retribution game 完整报应游戏
Exclusive in-game items: ORK种族战役装备

* Kan Opener - Your attacks have a chance to disable enemy vehicles
* Angry Armor - Attacks on the Warboss increase his damage
* Lucky Teef - When the Warboss kills enemies nearby units gain energy
* Super Flashy Boss Rack - The Warboss gains the benefits of a boss pole and a trophy rack

Retribution game 完整报应游戏
Exclusive in-game items: SM种族战役装备

* Sanctus Mortis - Killing enemies bolster's the wielder's defense
* Plate of the Martyr - Attacks on Diomedes heal nearby allied units
* Chant of the Righteous - When attacked Diomedes' cooldowns are reduced
* Helm of the Champion - Increased health and armour

Retribution game 完整报应游戏
Exclusive in-game items: ED种族战役装备

* Spear of the Ynnead - Attacks on enemies have a chance to confuse them
* Guile of Cegorach - Allied deaths have a chance to enrage you
* Runes of Wisdom - Energy cost of abilities reduced
* Helm of the War Host - Immune to supression and knock-back

Retribution game 完整报应游戏
Exclusive in-game items: 混沌种族战役装备

* Skull Breaker - Hits with thei weapon have a chance to cause an aoe explosion
* Armor of the immortal - Invulnerability shield triggered when critically injured
* Herald of the Warp - Low cooldowns
* Mark of Chaos favor - Gain the benefits of worship from all gods

Retribution game 完整报应游戏
Exclusive in-game items: IG种族战役装备

* The Emperor's Executioners - Instantly kill infantry with less than a fifth of their health
* Blessed Carapace of Resolve - Friendly units in the vicinity gain damage reduction
* Honorifica Imperialis - Friendly units in vicinity get reduced cooldowns
* Helm of the Distinguished Imperial Officer - Friendly units in the vicinity are healed / have energy restored when you kill enemies

Retribution game 完整报应游戏
Exclusive in-game items: 虫子种族战役装备

* Venomous Talons - Attacks have a guaranteed chance to stun and poison
* Poisonous Cysts - After taking a set amount of damage the swarmlord sprays a damaging poison cloud
* Shadow in the Warp - A % of your damage is converted into energy
* Warp field - summons a shield to protect your character



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