De Da. –Law: 开镜时100% 精确及无后座力. (任务奖励, "Won't get fooled again")
Havin' a tea Partay drinkin' mah Teeea! –Teapot: 向附近敌人扩散腐蚀效果, 开镜时连发.(任务奖励, "You Are Cordially Invited: Tea Party")
I am free now.: 一发两弹, 造成附加暴击伤害.(可出现在 Revolver and Repeater. 任务Assassinate the Assassins中第二个BOSS掉落)
Did I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. Whatever.–Unkempt Harold: 一发三弹, 子弹在水平面上分裂成多个小火箭.
Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried. –Miss Moxxi's Rubi: 高元素触发概率, 从Moxxi获得 (任务奖励)
Would I lie to you?–Fibber: 显示不准确的状态. Flavor 状态 +50% love, +3000% 伤害. 实现效果多变 - 可能发射一到多个抛射弹; 可能发射跳弹; 跳弹击中会造成大量附加伤害; 发射多弹时可能是慢速弹, 慢速弹会发射7发, 伤害高 - 各种可能效果在得到枪时确定. (任务奖励: Mal in Eridium Blight)
Shoulda stopped at one.–Veritas: +10% 濒死自救时间, 装备Aequitas or Veritas武器. (任务奖励, "Clan Wars: Wakey Wakey")
Good at starting fires. –Flynt's Tinderbox: 高概率点燃, 弹道拱形.
Thinking outside the box.–Gwen's Head: 9连发
Fear the Swarm!–Hornet: 五轮连发. 高电伤
Love is a lady finger, True love is a lady fist.–Maximized Lady Fist: 爆击10倍伤害. 大弹夹. (任务奖励, "Uncle Teddy")
I can have such a thing?–Thunderball Fist: 发射蓝色圈弹, 造成震荡伤害, 几秒后再爆炸.
Dodge this.–Dahlminator: 发射返回型跳弹, 能粘在敌人身上爆炸 (常为腐蚀属性) (任务奖励, "The Lost Treasure")
Abt natural.–murduerer's Gub: 不明. (Laney掉落, "The Cold Shoulder")
It's closer than you think! (No it isn't): 无限子弹, 无需换弹夹. 子弹打出一个无穷符号(横着的8).
Give it a burl!–Gunerang: 换弹夹时将枪向回飞镖一样扔出. Rakkman掉落(The Fridge).
Because one barrel aint enough and two is too few. –Thre Dog: 三管散弹枪. (任务"Assassinate the Assassins"中Assassin Rouf 掉落 ).
Good things kill in threes.: 一发三弹, 超高伤, 超多散片射出成倒Y形.
I don't want to set the world on fire... –Miss Moxxi's Heart Breaker: 火伤, +50% 爆击伤害. 子弹射出成心形. (任务奖励, "Safe and Sound"). (可能带有持续性元素伤害回血).
I like being a gun.–Asset Shotgun 1340: 带Hyperion Loader 声音. (任务奖励, "Out of body experience")
Let's just ping everyone at once. –Conference Call: 散弹片少, 高伤害, 弹片高速 (几乎瞬间到达) 且是跳弹.
Also try Minecraft!–Sunny Blockhead:火伤, 9片方形弹片, 在墙上回弹.
Octo means nine...–Octo: 8弹片射成 3x3 的方形 (方形中间为空). 弹片慢速, 弹道为波浪线留下黄色轨迹.
Don't retreat, instead reload! –RokSalt: 超高速换弹夹. (任务奖励, "Splinter Group")
Get off my lawn!–Landscaper: 四弹片成梯形, 粘成物体表面后爆炸.
Flak The World –Sinewy Flakker: 慢速高射炮状发射(打 BOSS 随机掉落或是商店卖 Item of the Day )
Fandir? Thirteen.–*Striker: 高精度, 慢散开. +70% 爆击伤害 (杀死 Old Slappy 掉落或是随机掉).
The Legend Lives–Sledge's Shotgun:三个Vault符得到或是杀死 Smash Head 掉落)
The Legend Lives– Sledge's Shotgun: 三个Vault符得到或是杀死 Smash Head 掉落)
Kiki got a shotgun– Deliverance: 三个Vault 符号得到或是Tumba低概率掉落. 当换夹扔枪时, 若无敌人就直线扔, 若有就飞向敌人. 未接触敌人反弹5秒.
Flee the wave, Dude!– Tidal Wave: 发射七片慢速弹片, 弹片波浪形, 未接触敌人则反弹一次. (任务奖励, "Uncle Teddy")
I want that gun, daddy!– Feral Veruc: 开镜减小发散. ("The Good, the Bad, and the Mordecai"中一个NPC身上得到) .
Gar! Gorarr!! My dad's a scientist! GWARRRR!!!!: 概率引起多种元素属性伤害
Say not in grief:"He is no more," but live in thankfulness that he was. – Scorpio: 偶尔连发. 连发消耗子弹, 可能触发随机元素伤害. (任务奖励, "Bearer of Bad News")
Evil will be SMASHED!!! WITH SMASHING!!! EVIL!!! SMASH!!! ER!!!高速爆炸弹 (前后同时射出子弹). 有个性化皮肤, 盖着画和面条. 换弹夹时, (10%?) 概率三倍化弹夹, 此时10倍伤害, 高射速. 换枪时效果结束. (任务奖励, "The Chosen One").
What play thing can you offer me today? – Bullet Hail:子弹上斜45度发射, 打到至少30米远处落地. 一段距离后子弹分裂成两发, 长时间射击后像烟花. (任务奖励, "Bandit Slaughter: Round 5")
Oh sorry. Was that your head?:高爆击伤害, 有个性化皮肤 (任务奖励)
Torgue got more BOOM!: Plump KerBlaster:发射榴弹, 接触后爆炸, 掉落榴弹.
Speed Kills:超高速, 大弹夹.
Bison Bison had had had had had Bison Bison Bison shi shi shi– Chikamin Buffalo: 超高伤害, 高精度, 高稳定, 但慢射速且不开镜. (任务奖励)
I can see my house from here.: Fremington's Edge:大开镜倍率. ( 任务"Assassinate the Assassins"中Reeth the Assassin掉落)
I infrequently perish.– Trespasser: 无视护盾. 一代中 Mordecai 的无视护盾技能. (任务奖励 Animal Rights)
Yeah, booze'll do that to ya...:连发狙, 慢子弹
Mainstream'd!– Pitchfork: 水平方向上五连发. (来源自在线音乐杂志Pitchfork, 以给"主流"音乐"带坏消息出名.)(三个Vault符号得到)Pele humbly requests a sacrifice, if it's not too much trouble.– Volcano: 附加火伤, 火伤扩散到周围敌人 (随机掉落)
A Rose by another name.– Morningstar:换夹时, 杀怪时有诡异声音. 收藏此枪也时不时地发怪声. (任务奖励, "Hyperion Contract #873")
Je suis enchante, Ou est le bibliotheque?(翻译: 我很开心, 图书馆在哪?): 射击能治疗, 如同治疗手雷. (任务奖励, "Hyperion Slaughter: Round 5")
Man Killer.– Lyuda: 一个子弹能出水平方向上的三发连射. 增加爆击伤害.
Makes your brain hurt.:增加爆击伤害
The Executioner has arrived:五连发
Ceci n'est pas une Sniper Rifle– Longbow: (翻译: 这货不是狙击) 无开镜, 火伤害, 发射慢速拱形子弹, 留下像素化弹道 (像 Minecraft 中的箭头).
Hippity Hoppity!– Bonus Bunny: 换夹扔抢时, 枪在地上向前方随机方向弹跳, 如同橡胶手雷. (在 spiderant 找到)
Name Dropper– gaa dunk ga Nukem: 发射时, 火箭引发小型核爆
The horde will always return!:一发两弹. 发射一个大火箭, 大火箭飞行中发射小火箭. 描述中说消耗弹药少, 别信~
Toasty!– Big Roaster: 火箭超高速飞行 (中距离上几乎即达) (此效果也许不对), 一发三火箭. (任务奖励, "Note for Self-Person")
It's actually a fairly rational fear in this case.– Pyrophobia: 火箭飞行时持续爆炸.
Multi-kill.– Big Badaboom: 发射六个火箭, 只消耗一个弹药.
Non-dairy.– Miss Moxxi's Creamer: 高速火箭, 一段距离后火箭分裂成两个 (奖励自, Creature Slaughter Dome 第五轮)
full of bees.– Hive: 一发消耗四弹. 发射一个静止"蜂巢, "蜂巢" 发射小型回归型火箭.
in Spain, stays mainly on the plain– Bane: 弹速慢, 不精确, 用时各种出诡异声音.
When I'm good, I'm very good.– Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch: 使用时, 造成敌人任何持续性元素伤害回血.
...but when I'm bad, I'm better.– Miss Moxxi's Good Touch: 会震动, 增加爆击伤害和火伤
The gun of the Bulls.– Lascaux: 开镜9连发; 两倍 mod +100% 减震. 弹形固定像只牛. (Frostburn Canyon 找到)
Riastrad!– Feculent Chulainn: 子弹同时有电和slag效果, 玩家装备此枪时受slag效果. (任务奖励, "Clan Wars")
I have a Soldier, a Siren, two Scooters and a Claptrap.: 射击时减震.
Who's a widdle gunny wunny.– Baby Maker: 扔枪时像小 mirv 手雷一样爆炸.
You know... For him. – Emperor- 开镜六连发
We don't need no fire.:高火伤, 可叠加.
Yup, back.– Bitch: 高精度, 其它未知.
The Lead Wind Blows!–redy Bone Shredder: 一发消耗两弹, 低精度, 其它效果未知 (Bone Head 2.0有时掉落)
Blagaga.: 超大弹夹, 三连发.
Chung-gunk!– Order: 装备 "Law" 型左轮时, 肉搏伤害回血. 破盾时造成roid伤害. (任务奖励)
From the ashes she will rise.– Flame of the Firehawk: 盾为0时持续放火环, 间隔约2秒. (任务奖励, "Cult Following; The Enkindling")
If thumping you is wrong, I don't want to be right.– Love Thumper: 高roid伤害. 低回盾率, 大回盾延迟. 玩家有roid效果时, 肉搏造成爆炸环. (任务奖励, "Best mother's day ever!")
What do you mean... theoretically?– Deadly Bloom: 快回盾率, 破盾或是濒死求生时产生强环形伤害. 前者回盾前只释放一次. (任务奖励 "Helping Out Overlook")
The Second is Better.– Aequitas: +10% 濒死求生时间, 装备 Aequitas or Veritas. (任务奖励, "Clan Wars: Wakey Wakey")
Wow, I CAN do this all day!– The Sham: 高吸收子弹率. (盾吸收子弹时, 玩家不受伤害. -也许 80% 减伤.)
Win by a hare.– Tortoise: 高盾量, 降低生命, 移动速度, 破盾时加快移动速度.
For an impenetrable shield, stand inside yourself.– Neogenetor: 回血, 加大量最大生命值. 盾越低回血越快. 满盾时停止回血. (任务mob during Monster mash part 3掉落)
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.– 1340 Shield: 低吸收子弹率, 高盾容量, 回盾时间和延迟适合. 有 Hyperion Loader 声音. (任务奖励, "Out of Body Experience")
Situation normal...– Whisky Tango Foxtrot: 概率掉落 爆炸性 IED, 被攻击涨盾, 爆炸攻击敌友双方, 包括自己.
Float like a butterfly...– The Bee: 超高伤害奖励. 超低子弹吸引.
Vlad would be proud.– Impaler: 受子弹攻击造成回归性腐蚀伤害, 受肉搏攻击造成腐蚀伤害.
...to the grave.– The Cradle: 破盾时, 概率立即使玩家进入濒死求生状态. Henry掉落. Tediore 盾像枪一样爆炸.
You are the center of the universe.– Black Hole. 破盾时, 将周围敌人吸向玩家; 类似引怪手雷.
2x more awesome, bonus extreme!– Bonus Package: 子母雷. Boom and Bewm掉落.
It takes two to get one in trouble.– Kiss of Death: 回归型元素雷, 挡在敌人脸上直到敌人死亡或是雷消失. 爆炸时释放回血光束 (任务奖励: Hell Hath no Fury)
Make it rain!– Fuster Cluck: 飞行时掉小雷. (任务奖励, "The Pretty Good Train Robbery")
Supplies!– Nasty Surprise: 在敌人脚下分裂为四个子雷.
The thunder shall bring forth the pain!– Rolling Thunder: 扔出时,雷保持低地面处, 进行爆炸性弹跳. 打不到高处绳子上的敌人, 不会跳过小空隙. (Wilhelm 可以掉落)
Sometimes Lightning Does Strike Twice.– Storm Front: 爆炸时叉状扔出小雷, 产生一个无效果的光环. 叉子攻击离近的敌人, 造成电攻击. 子雷攻击范围和伤害稍小. 叉子和子雷最终爆炸.
Spread the sickness.– Pandemic: 初始爆炸后产生三个腐蚀性子雷.
Sticky- Homing fire leech: 初始爆炸后, 产生子雷, 子雷高燃烧效果.
E=mc^(OMG)/wtf– Homing Electrical Singularity: 扔出后回归型追敌. 将敌人吸引到一起, 爆炸前造成周期性伤害.
Bees are coming!自转放火, 放小型mirv型爆炸.
WARNING: Not intended for indoor use.: Contraband Sky Rocket- 基于玩家等级, 在mirv型爆炸中产生超强火伤害. 手雷向上扔出, 触顶后回弹. 最好在室内用. 玩家有游戏特殊码时, 初建人物开始有这个手雷mod.
A skillfull leech is better far, than half a hundred men of war.:产生多个小雷, 小雷回来粘到敌人身上, 并产生持续电伤害.
Who the hell shot me?– Deputy's Badge: 增加散弹枪伤害和换弹夹速度, 或是增加手枪伤害和射击速度, 装备Deputy' Badge的玩家增加濒死求生时间10% (任务奖励, "Showdown")
Take turns and play nice.– Sheriff's Badge: Deputy's Badge升级版. 每有一个装备Deputy's Badge的玩家, 增加濒死求生时间 15%. (The Sheriff ofLynchwood掉落)
...His blood could inspire...– Blood of Terramorphous: 未知效果. Terramorphous 掉落.