

2012/2/10 17:01:27 来源:飞翔整理 编辑:飞翔小编

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这些成分游戏一开始的Dalentarth是相当普遍的, 但在Detyre就比较少

           BlackCohosh

           CripplesporeCaps

           Eel Petal

           Embereyes

           LeechwoodBark

           ScarwoodBark

           Sky Blossom

           StarThistle

           White Flake


这些成分并不会在游戏一开始的Dalentarth就出现, 但可以花钱在某些商店里买到。当进入Detyre后,采集就会变得容易

           Bloodroot

           Edelweiss

           SativaFibers

           ScarabSalts

           ScarletFlowstone

           Seaflax

           SoftscrabblePowder

           Tindertwig

           Ysa'sBreath



           Essence ofFate

           PrismereDust




Reagent  Mixture

Fate  Potion

4x  Essence of Fate 效果:Fate 满槽

Liquid  Seduction

1x  Scarwood Bark
  1x Tindertwig
  1x Sky Blossom 效果:增加对异性的口活技巧 (哈哈)

Purification  Potion

2x  Embereyes
  2x Ysa's Breath 效果:治愈大多数疾病(可能不包括魔法类)



Reagent  Mixture

Minor  Alchemist's Art

1x  Embereyes
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Assassin's Evasion

1x  Cripplespore Caps
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Blacksmith's Craft

1x  Tindertwig
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Blazing Salve

2x  Tindertwig
  1x Scarwood Bark

Minor  Bleeding Resistance

2x  Scarlet Flowstone
  1x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Burning Sentinel

2x  Tindertwig
  1x Edelweiss

Minor  Current Stopper

2x  Eel Petal
  1x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Damage Boost

3x  Sativa Fibers
  3x Star Thistle
  2x Scarwood Bark

Minor  Damage Deflection

2x  Sativa Fibers
  2x Star Thistle
  1x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Dispelling Boost

1x  Star Thistle
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Experience Boost

2x  Prismere Dust
  1x Leechwood Bark

Minor  Flameguard

1x  Tindertwig
  1x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Flesh Eater

2x  Black Cohosh
  2x Leechwood Bark

Minor  Force Potion

2x  Sativa Fibers
  1x Scarwood Bark

Minor  Freezing Sentinel

2x  White Flake
  1x Edelweiss

Minor  Frostbite

2x  White Flake
  1x Scarwood Bark

Minor  Frostguard

1x  White Flake
  1x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Hardened Shell

2x  Sativa Fibers
  2x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Healing Potion

2x  Black Cohosh
  1x Embereyes

Minor  Healing Rege

2x  Black Cohosh
  1x Scarlet Flowstone

Minor  Jeweled Shilelagh

1x  White Flake
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Lightning Sentinel

2x  Eel Petal
  1x Edelweiss

Minor  Lightning Storm

2x  Eel Petal
  1x Scarwood Bark

Minor  Magebane

2x  Star Thistle
  2x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Magic Amplification

2x  Star Thistle
  2x Scarwood Bark

Minor  Magic Precision

2x  Scarab Salts
  1x Star Thistle

Minor  Mana Potion

2x  Softscrabble Powder
  1x Embereyes

Minor  Mana Regen

2x  Softscrabble Powder
  1x Scarlet Flowstone

Minor  Mana Sap

2x  Softscrabble Powder
  2x Leechwood Bark

Minor  Merchant's Command

1x  Sativa Fibers
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Phasewalk

2x  Star Thistle
  1x Cripplespore Caps
  2x Sky Blossom

Minor  Piercing Serum

2x  Scarwood Bark
  1x Scarlet Flowstone

Minor  Precision

2x  Scarab Salts
  1x Sativa Fibers

Minor  Social Grace

1x  Leechwood Bark
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Sorcerer's Intelligence

2x  Softscrabble Powder
  2x Star Thistle

Minor  Serpent's Venom

2x  Cripplespore Caps
  1x Scarwood Bark

Minor  Slashing Fury

2x  Scarlet Flowstone
  1x Scarwood Bark

Minor  Steeled Curtain

2x  Seaflax
  1x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Thief's Cunning

1x  Eel Petal
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Tracker's Draught

1x  Scarab Salts
  1x Sky Blossom

Minor  Venomguard

2x  Cripplespore Caps
  1x Ysa's Breath

Minor  Warrior's Strength

2x  Black Cohosh
  2x Sativa Fibers



Reagent  Mixture

Greater  Alchemist's Art

2x  Embereyes
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Assassin's Evasion

2x  Cripplespore Caps
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Blacksmith's Craft

2x  Tindertwig
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Blazing Salve

3x  Tindertwig
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Bleeding Resistance

2x  Scarlet Flowstone
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Burning Sentinel

3x  Tindertwig
  2x Edelweiss
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Current Stopper

2x  Eel Petal
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Damage Boost

4x  Sativa Fibers
  4x Star Thistle
  3x Scarwood Bark
  1x Essence of Fate

Greater  Damage Deflection

3x  Sativa Fibers
  3x Star Thistle
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Essence of Fate

Greater  Dispelling Boost

2x  Star Thistle
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Experience Boost

3x  Prismere Dust
  2x Leechwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Flameguard

2x  Tindertwig
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Flesh Eater

3x  Black Cohosh
  3x Leechwood Bark
  1x Scarwood Bark

Greater  Force Potion

3x  Sativa Fibers
  3x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Freezing Sentinel

3x  White Flake
  2x Edelweiss
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Frostbite

3x  White Flake
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Frostguard

2x  White Flake
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Hardened Shell

3x  Sativa Fibers
  3x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Healing Potion

3x  Black Cohosh
  2x Embereyes
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Healing Rege

3x  Black Cohosh
  2x Scarlet Flowstone
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Jeweled Shilelagh

2x  White Flake
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Lightning Sentinel

3x  Eel Petal
  2x Edelweiss
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Lightning Storm

3x  Eel Petal
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Magebane

3x  Star Thistle
  3x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Magic Amplification

3x  Star Thistle
  3x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Magic Precision

3x  Scarab Salts
  2x Star Thistle
  1x Scarwood Bark

Greater  Mana Potion

3x  Softscrabble Powder
  2x Embereyes
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Mana Regen

3x  Softscrabble Powder
  2x Scarlet Flowstone
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Mana Sap

3x  Softscrabble Powder
  3x Leechwood Bark
  1x Scarwood Bark

Greater  Merchant's Command

2x  Sativa Fibers
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Phasewalk

2x  Star Thistle
  1x Cripplespore Caps
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Essence of Fate

Greater  Piercing Serum

3x  Scarwood Bark
  3x Scarlet Flowstone
  1x Sativa Fibers

Greater  Precision

3x  Scarab Salts
  2x Sativa Fibers
  1x Scarwood Bark

Greater  Social Grace

2x  Leechwood Bark
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Sorcerer's Intelligence

3x  Softscrabble Powder
  3x Star Thistle
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Serpent's Venom

3x  Cripplespore Caps
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Slashing Fury

3x  Scarlet Flowstone
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Steeled Curtain

2x  Seaflax
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Thief's Cunning

2x  Eel Petal
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Tracker's Draught

2x  Scarab Salts
  2x Sky Blossom
  1x Bloodroot

Greater  Venomguard

2x  Cripplespore Caps
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax

Greater  Warrior's Strength

3x  Black Cohosh
  3x Sativa Fibers
  1x Bloodroot


Master Potions


Reagent  Mixture

Master  Alchemist's Art

2x  Embereyes
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Assassin's Evasion

2x  Cripplespore Caps
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Blacksmith's Craft

2x  Tindertwig
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Blazing Salve

3x  Tindertwig
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Bleeding Resistance

2x  Scarlet Flowstone
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Burning Sentinel

3x  Tindertwig
  2x Edelweiss
  1x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Current Stopper

2x  Eel Petal
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Dispelling Boost

2x  Star Thistle
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Experience Boost

3x  Prismere Dust
  2x Leechwood Bark
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Force Potion

3x  Sativa Fibers
  3x Scarwood Bark
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Flameguard

2x  Tindertwig
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Flesh Eater

3x  Black Cohosh
  3x Leechwood Bark
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Frostbite

3x  White Flake
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Frostguard

2x  White Flake
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Freezing Sentinel

3x  White Flake
  2x Edelweiss
  1x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Hardened Shell

3x  Sativa Fibers
  3x Ysa's Breath
  2x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Healing Potion

3x  Black Cohosh
  2x Emebereyes
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Health Regen

3x  Black Cohsoh
  2x Scarlet Flowstone
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence fo Fate

Master  Jeweled Shilelagh

2x  White Flake
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Lightning Sentinel

3x  Eel Petal
  2x Edelweiss
  1x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Lightning Storm

3x  Eel Petal
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Magebane

3x  Star Thistle
  3x Ysa's Breath
  2x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Magic Amplification

3x  Star Thistle
  3x Scarwood Bark
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Magic Precision

3x  Scarab Salts
  2x Star Thistle
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Mana Potion

3x  Softscrabble Powder
  2x Embereyes
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Mana Regen

3x  Softscrabble Powder
  2x Scarlet Flowstone
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Mana Sap

3x  Softscrabble Powder
  3x Leechwood Bark
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Merchant's Command

2x  Sativa Fibers
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Piercing Serum

3x  Scarwood Bark
  3x Scarlet Flowstone
  2x Sativa Fibers
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Precision

3x  Scarab Salts
  2x Sativa Fibers
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Social Grace

2x  Leechwood Bark
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Sorcerer's Intelligence

3x  Softscrabble Powder
  3x Star Thistle
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Serpent's Venom

3x  Cripplespore Caps
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Slashing Fury

3x  Scarlet Flowstone
  2x Scarwood Bark
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Steeled Curtain

2x  Seaflax
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Thief's Cunning

2x  Eel Petal
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Tracker's Draught

2x  Scarab Salts
  2x Sky Blossom
  2x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Venomguard

2x  Cripplespore Caps
  2x Ysa's Breath
  1x Seaflax
  1x Essence of Fate

Master  Warrior's Strength

3x  Black Cohosh
  3x Sativa Fibers
  1x Bloodroot
  1x Essence of Fate


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