- A Medieval Sims Mod for Version
This modification adds a "Debug" menu on every Sim which allows adding and removing of Professions and Abilities on sims.
The mod allows setting the profession on the Sim but allows more options than the debug mode and also allows setting profession to None to remove.
The mod will set the attribute to the current level of the profession of the Sim or level 1 if the Sim has no level such as NPCs. The advantage of this one is that it does not reset the default appearance of the Sim when changing professions.
The list of abilities exposed by this mod are:
Advisor, Combat, Commerce, Constable, Execution, Gathering, Geology, Herbalism, Jester, Lore, Lutecraft, Magic, Magicraft, Medcraft, Medicine, Metalworking, OffensiveSpells, Performance, Poisons, Politics, Royalty, Scoundrel, Selling, Tactics, Treatment, UtilitySpells, JacobanFaith, JacobanLowFaith, PeteranFaith, PeteranLowFaith
Adding or Removing *All* does not affect the following:
JacobanFaith, JacobanLowFaith, PeteranFaith, PeteranLowFaith