巫术之戒 3: 增加3级奥术位1个
要求: 施法者等级 8, 技能:制造神奇物品
- Iron ingot
- Faint Power Essence
- Weak Air Essence
- Canary diamond
对装有上述物品的魔法工作台(magic workbench)施放fox's cunning
巫术之戒 4: 增加4级奥术位1个
要求: 施法者等级 8, 技能:制造神奇物品
- Iron ingot
- Weak Power Essence
- Glowing Air Essence
- Star Sapphire
对装有上述物品的魔法工作台(magic workbench)施放fox's cunning
酸液瓶: Thrown weapon inflicts 1d6 acid damage
要求: 技能:炼金术 4 级
- VenomGland
- Quicksilver
对装有上述物品的炼金术工作台(alchemy workbench)使用杵和臼(mortar & pestle)
炼金术士之火: Thrown weapon inflicts 1d6 fire damage or coats a weapon with fire to add 1d4
fire damage to attacks
要求: 技能:炼金术 4 级
- Fairy Dust
- Distilled Alcohol
对装有上述物品的炼金术工作台(alchemy workbench)使用杵和臼(mortar & pestle)
窒息之粉: Creates a stinking cloud effect that lasts 5 rounds
要求: 技能:炼金术 4 级
- Garlic
- Belladonna
对装有上述物品的炼金术工作台(alchemy workbench)使用杵和臼(mortar & pestle)
Recipe books contain the arcane formulae and ingredients required to craft magical and
alchemical items. You must have the
appropriate skills and feats to use these recipes to create items.
圣水: Thrown weapon inflicts 2d4 holy damage to undead
要求: 技能:炼金术 4 级
- Amethyst
- Powdered Silver
对装有上述物品的炼金术工作台(alchemy workbench)使用杵和臼(mortar & pestle)