CA与Valve联手推出了新一代全面战争对战平台:Steam平台。正版玩家不仅可以免费使用Steam提供的联机对战服务,还能在游戏过程中获得称号和Steam Achievement奖励。以下就是帝国:全面战争的全部Steam称号:

Perfidious Beast Use treachery to best effect by turning against at least five allied nations and attacking them. 称号:背信弃义 国家利益高于一切!为此不惜背叛5个以上的盟国并对其使用武力

Observe Diplomatic Niceties Use diplomatic threats to good effect by making gains from five separate negotiations. 称号:外交阴谋家 在不反复读档的情况下,在外交谈判中成功使用威胁达5次以上

Assassin! Use your assassins to kill, in unlooked-for fashion, twenty men who hinder your plans. 称号:刺杀大师 在不反复读档的情况下成功刺杀20人以上

The Efforts of Others Successfully steal five technologies researched by other nations. 称号:他人智慧 在不反复读档的情况下,从其它派系成功偷取科技达5次以上

Affairs of Honour Use your duellists to kill twenty men on the "field of honour" 称号:决斗高手 在不反复读档的情况下通过决斗杀死20人以上

Polymath Have your natural philosophers and scientists research all the technologies available to your nation. 称号:学术泰斗 研发完本派系科技树内的所有科技

Bloody Madman Carve a bloody path to victory: kill a hundred thousand enemies! 称号:恐怖屠夫 从敌军中杀出一条血路,冲向胜利!击毙十万名敌军!

Tyrant and Ogre Bring terror to the hearts of men: kill half a million enemies! 称号:血腥暴君 你的名字已经将恐惧刻入了每个敌人的骨髓中!击毙五十万名敌军!!

Conqueror of All Be hailed as a true conqueror: kill a million enemies! 称号:征服之王 杀死一个人,你是凶手;杀死一百人,你是英雄;杀死一百万人,你就是真正的征服之王!!击毙一百万名敌军!!

Founding Father Take one region by conquest, somewhere in the world. 称号:初试锋芒 武力夺取一个省份

Expansionist Power Capture ten regions, anywhere in the world. 称号:扩张强权 武力夺取10个省份

A New Rome Demonstrate outstanding ability, and capture one hundred regions. 称号:罗马再生 武力夺取100个省份

Only Obeying Orders Ensure that thirty missions, regardless of detail or type, are successfully brought to a conclusion. 称号:唯命是从 成功完成30个任务

Into the Breach! Attack! Attack! Attack! Win ten multi-player siege battles when commanding a besieging army. 称号:无坚不摧 攻破城墙!冲啊!!在联机对战中夺取10场攻城战胜利

The "Chevaux de Frise" Defend, sir, defend! Win ten multi-player siege battles when commandingthe defenders of a fortress. 称号:一夫当关,万夫莫开 此山是我开,此树是我栽,要想从此过......没门!在联机对战中夺取10场守城战胜利

Blooded Demonstrate your sense of duty and honour: complete ten multi-player battles. 称号:鲜血淋漓 展示你的责任感和荣誉感:完成10场联机对战,不论战果如何

Drumbeat to Victory Draw the sword and march onwards: complete one quick battle. 称号:冲向胜利 拔出你的佩剑,前进!完成一场快速战斗。

Whiff of Grapeshot Gain some experience of combat: complete one ranked battle. 称号:霰弹飞溅 从战斗中获取经验与教训:完成一场自定义战斗

l337 Guard Achieve victory in ten multiplayer battles, cutting a bloody path to greatness through your enemies' plans. 称号:1337 卫队 从敌军的阴谋中杀出一条血路,向伟大进军! 在联机陆战中夺取10场胜利

Marshal's Baton Achieve victory in fifty multiplayer battles, dashing your enemies' hopes in pieces in the process! 称号:元帅权杖 粉碎敌人的一切野心!在联机陆战中夺取50场胜利

Command of the Ocean As a commanding admiral, win ten multi-player naval battles. 称号:海洋霸主 联机海战获胜达10次以上

Raw Recruit War sir, is a terrifying experience! Take part in a multiplayer battle. 称号:新兵 长官,战争是恐怖的!完成一场联机对战。

Grand Tactician Win ten classic multi-player battles. 称号:战术高手 在联机对战中获得10场史诗胜利

American Hero Complete the Road to Independence campaigns freeing the American colonists from British rule! 称号:美国英雄 完成“独立之路”,率领美国人民推翻英国暴政!自由万岁!

Accomplished Strategist Complete the main campaign game on the easy difficulty setting. 称号:战略高手 在“简单”难度下完成帝国征战

Veteran Strategist Complete the main campaign game on the medium difficulty setting. 称号:战略大师 在“中等”难度下完成帝国征战

Strategic Genius Complete the main campaign game on the hard difficulty setting. 称号:战略奇才 在“困难”难度下完成帝国征战

Emperor of Europe Subdue and hold all the provinces and regions in Europe at the same time. 称号:欧罗巴皇帝 征服或控制整个欧洲

Master of the Americas Conquer or control all the provinces and regions in the Americas at the same time. 称号:美利坚霸主 征服或控制整个美洲,包括南北美及加勒比地区

Maharajah of the Indies Have mastery over all the provinces and regions in India at the same time. 称号:印度大君 征服或控制整个印度 题外话: 从帝国与Steam联手的这一点,我们可以看出来,CA的最终目的显而易见,那就是全面进军网游。单机游戏的盗版实在是太过猖獗(证据就在本论坛上),而且利润也相对较低,比如当年中世纪2发售半年之后,售价即跌破原价的一半。而且中2本身卖的也不是很好。再加上当今金融风暴席卷全球,英国受害尤为严重。面对如此种种困境,CA肯定会另想办法。而网游则不存在盗版;收费是按照在线时间长短分批收取,这样就能为CA创造一股稳定的现金流。因此,从财政角度考虑,进军网游势在必行。 从游戏本身来讲,网游也是全面战争系列的终极形态——即时战略联机+即时战斗联机。这是每一个全战fans的梦想,但当今的计算机技术还不能做到这一点,恐怕要等到下一代“云计算”来解决了。